Yesterday was a pretty awesome day. I spent a few hours at the Frederick Fight Club snapping pictures of my buddy Mischa as he trains for his bout in a couple weeks. I watched as Mischa sparred with a couple Junior Golden Glove winners. A truly awesome experience. The energy was indescribable, but inspiring was definitely thrown in the mix of feelings. Being in a room with a bunch of guys that are doing what they love with such awesome talent and desire. The time really caused me to reflect on what I’m doing to fulfill my passion of running (as well as fulfill my overall life’s passion). The end result of the afternoon left me with a feeling of wanting to do more. To step up my game as Mischa would say.
I’ve already alluded to my boot camp days and times as my set “when” days. The in between days I fit my work outs in when my time allows. Typically I try and work out first thing in the morning so that my day starts out energized. Though as the weeks have passed I have found on the non boot camp days I am working out twice a day; once in the morning and then again in the evening after supper. As Mom is working up her strength to recover from stay in the hospital I am walking with her at the local mall for an hour each morning.
As I’m typing this I am feeling like I wanted to go longer and harder this morning. I had definitely had moments during our arm work out that I thought my shoulders would surely fall out of their sockets and lay on the Astroturf covered pitch, to my credit I pushed myself with 15 pounds today up from 10. I’m still not completely discounting the chance that I may be doing more ab and arm work outs after the affects of the ice on my shoulders has worn off.
I realized over the last few days that so much of my schedule is built around when I work out. When I need to eat. My goal of being in shape for my list of races and ultimately the marathon has driven me to change my lifestyle. Some might say it has taken over my life and perhaps they are correct in their assessment of my new found behavior. Part of it is excitement in finding something that just seems to suit me. Part of it is finding something new and challenging that seemed in the past as unattainable. Part of it is really to keep me from going completely insane while I search for a career that suits me as well as my new found passion. (Career focuses currently: Marines, FBI and law enforcement)
I have a race every month except for July and September. I was going to try and pack those “free” months but decided to allow myself some down time on those months to focus solely on training and perhaps some biking and camping adventures with friends. September is the month prior to the marathon and knowing my ankles tendency to be cranky I want to focus those weeks entirely on the marathon. Besides, my two week sojourn to the beach will provide me with ample training opportunity…what better way to greet the day then a run along the beach as the sky turns from navy blue to sun kissed pink and orange.
Now when I run I feel like I’m chasing that sunrise. I’m beginning to feel comfortable in my stride. I still need to work on my breathing and my speed. My days as a basketball and soccer player have programmed me to take off full speed ahead without any concern for the fact that my body will perhaps stop breathing sooner than I would like. Now my focus will be on slowing down and having a consistent pace. I’ve tried music of varying types but can’t seem to find anything that keeps my stride even, not too fast and not too slow. Eminem and P!nk are fabulous for my emotional state of mind but do little to keep me from tearing up the ground. My next attempt is classical music. I’ve been going through my CD’s pulling out the music from the days when I was striving to be a classically trained musician in hopes that something will match my stride and keep me on pace.
I have one month until my first race. A 5K mud race sponsored by 368 Athletics and held at the Ceresville Mansion. It will be nice…close to home, short race that will allow me to quite literally get my feet wet. And there will be beer. Beer is always a good thing.
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